
July 2021
Bugaj/Fischer recently won a custody relocation case following a 3-day trial in Pike County.

February 2021
Bugaj/Fischer recently won two non-suits for defendants in two different cases, both in the Court of Common Pleas of Pike County, Pennsylvania.

December 2020
As a result of a nonjury trial in the Pike County Court of Common Pleas in December of 2020, Bugaj/Fischer won a verdict in favor of a contractor in a construction case.

July 2020
In July of 2020, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania issued a published opinion en banc reversing the decision of the Wayne County Court of Common Pleas...

June 2020
Ronnie J. Fischer, Esq. has been able to combine her loves for genealogy and the law by helping clients amend vital records to obtain citizenship in foreign countries.

March 2020
The American Institute of Family Law Attorneys has named Ronnie J. Fischer one of its "10 Best Family Law Attorneys" for the state of Pennsylvania for 2020.